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Meet the team: Laura

Hi, I’m Laura and I’ve been working for United World since last summer.

Where have you taught?

I’ve taught in Bournemouth, Bath, London, Germany and of course from my ‘home office’ online during the pandemic.

Like many people, my home office started at my kitchen table but I now have a desk and comfy chair in my spare bedroom. From there, I can teach students all over the world and it was great to be able to stay in contact during the various lockdowns.

Now, I’m enjoying being back in school at United World and hoping for lots of students to come and visit us in the summer.

What did you miss when you taught abroad?

Apart from family and friends, I missed English food and TV. I first went to Germany in 1997 and I used to pack 3 essentials in my suitcase: Marmite, Heinz baked beans and cheese & onion Walkers crisps. At that time, the only flavour of crisp available was paprika!

Tell us something your colleagues don’t know about you.

I love to hula hoop! I started a few years ago when I went to a class with my mum. We both have our own hula hoops now and I practise on my patio when it’s sunny. It’s always a fun way to exercise 😀

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